Let’s take a plunge into the core aspects of effective EFL assessment with our webinar! Explore the vital principles of validity, reliability, practicality, authenticity, and washback effect. Intended for in-service teachers, this session equips educators with the knowledge to enhance assessment practices, ensuring meaningful and impactful evaluation in English as a Foreign Language instruction. Join us to improve upon your assessment strategies and empower your teaching journey.
Exposes: Mauricio Véliz CamposAssociate Professor of Applied Linguistics, TESOL, and related courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Boasts over 25 years of experience in higher education management, teaching, and research, spanning across reputable universities worldwide and in Latin America. Demonstrates extensive expertise in the development and execution of academic projects eligible for public funding. Pioneered multiple initiatives aimed at innovating teacher education through Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) methodologies, as well as fostering faculty and student mobility.
Actively engages as a presenter at international conferences focused on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and English as a Second Language (ESL). Research interests and publications encompass a diverse range of topics, including L2 assessment, critical issues in TESOL, language identity, and an in-depth examination of variables influencing English pronunciation learning at the teacher education level. These variables include language aptitude, working memory, language learning strategies, and language motivation.
Modera: Silvina Zapata
Directora del Magíster en- Enseñanza del Inglés como Lengua Extranjera